Revolutionary astaxanthin

Production technology

Discover how axabio is revolutionizing natural astaxanthin production for superior purity and potency

Innovative technology

Closed reactors

At axabio, innovation meets purity. We set the standard with our revolutionary patented closed reactor technology.

Unlike traditional systems that are challenging to clean and harvest, our advanced reactor bags, crafted from recyclable materials, isolate each algae batch, ensuring a contamination-free environment. This modular system guarantees the purest quality.

Our high-tech sensors and AI software continuously monitor and optimize the production process, providing a clean and optimized environment for algae growth.

The modular design of our reactors allows for easy scalability and risk mitigation, ensuring continuous and efficient production and guaranteeing a steady supply of high-quality astaxanthin for each production batch.

Proven innovations

Our technology not only delivers high-quality astaxanthin but also supports sustainability by capturing CO₂ from the environment and converting it into powerful antioxidants.

Developed and refined over years, our technology has been proven in producing high-quality omega-3 rich microalgae.

Now, we are applying this expertise to produce the most stable and bioavailable astaxanthin on the market.

Our team, led by Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Luc Roef, is dedicated to advance algae production technology to meet the highest standards of stability and bioavailability.

Axabio guarantees

  • Unmatched quality: Consistently high quality, produced in a controlled environment.
  • Pure, natural astaxanthin: Ensuring the purest products, GMO and heavy metal free, with advanced technology.
  • Eco-friendly: Supporting sustainability with recyclable materials and reduced CO₂ footprint.
  • Constant quality supply: Continuous production guarantees a steady flow of premium natural astaxanthin.

Experience the axabio difference

Discover the future of algae production with axabio—where innovation, sustainability, and purity come together to offer unparalleled benefits for your health and beauty products line.

Want to know more about our natural astaxanthin and patented technology? Need support in formulation on how to integrate astaxanthin in your product?

We are here to help!

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