We harness nature's technology

Discover our journey as Belgium's first biotech company dedicated to producing astaxanthin, the world's strongest antioxidant, through advanced technology and sustainable practices.

Axabio's story

Passion meets vision

Axabio is a Belgium's pioneering biotech company whose vision is to lead the antioxidant market with sustainable, high-quality products derived from microalgae.

Founded by innovators Mark Michiels and Jonas De Cooman, axabio combines cutting-edge technology with innovative biology to produce superior antioxidants while capturing CO₂ from the environment.

Our initial focus is on astaxanthin, renowned for its extraordinary antioxidant properties and a sought-after ingredient in both the cosmetics and supplement industries.

To produce astaxanthin, we grow a microalga called Haematococcus pluvialis, combining our patented vertical flat panel technology with advanced AI monitoring systems, for optimal production efficiency.

We are on a journey to redefine natural antioxidants market, harnessing nature's technology.

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